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Don’t Let Stress Push Your AC Unit to Its Breaking Point!

April 25, 2022


Make Sure You Steer Clear of These Major Stressors

During this Stress Awareness Month, we want to bring to light an easily forgotten fact: Stress affects air conditioners, too! Too much stress on an AC unit can hinder its performance, efficiency and, ultimately, its lifespan. As with people, alleviating stress requires some TLC.

Here are two common problems that put stress on your HVAC system.

1. System Neglect

Neglecting your system leads to MORE stress on your air conditioner and your budget. When it comes to caring for an air conditioner, timing matters. And right now is the ideal time for an AC tune-up! Why? The desert heat is right around the corner and systems that are prepared in advance for California’s hot temperatures are better equipped to handle them. A regular tune-up will also help deliver:

  • Optimum system performance
  • Lower energy bills
  • Lower risk of repairs
  • Longer lifespans than neglected units
  • Cleaner, healthier indoor air
  • … And more!

If you haven’t scheduled your AC tune-up in Coachella Valley, give us a call today!

Timo’s Advantage Plan makes caring for your HVAC system less stressful. For starters, you won’t stress at all about remembering to schedule your tune-up. In addition, you’ll notice less stress on your budget. Learn more here.

2. Dirty Air Filters

When was the last time you changed your HVAC system’s air filters? If you haven’t done so within the last couple of months, you should get to it. A quick filter change will give you peace of mind and eliminate one more thing to stress over.

Here’s why you should change your filter today. Before your home’s air circulates back into your HVAC system, it passes through the air filter, where pet dander, dust, pollen and other small particles are trapped. Thank goodness because nobody wants to breathe in all of that gunk. YUCK!

We recommend changing your air filter every 60 to 90 days. When choosing a filter, its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating matters. The MERV is calculated by comparing a filter’s efficiency to the particle size it can capture. The higher the rating, the more efficient the filter is at trapping airborne particles and contaminants. Generally speaking, a MERV rating between 7 and 13 should help keep your indoor air healthy.

Take the Pressure Off of Yourself & Call Us!

Are you ready to live a stress-free spring while breathing better air? We’d like to help. Celebrate Stress Awareness Month by calling our HVAC company in Palm Springs, CA, (760.475.9542) for an indoor air quality check or a filter change today. Or to make things even less stressful, just click here!

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